Enciclopedia del Universo Marvel

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Adventure Into Fear

19 (1973/12)

Man-Thing - The Enchanter's Apprentice

Steve Gerber (SCRIPT), Val Mayerik (DRAW), Sal Trapani (INKS)

[2016/5] Marvel Limited Edition: Hombre-Cosa: Monstruo del Pántano 1 (¡La aprendiz del encantador!)
[2002/2] Essential Howard the Duck 1 (Man-Thing - The Enchanter's Apprentice)
[2007/1] Essential Man-Thing 1 (Man-Thing - The Enchanter's Apprentice)

Howard The Duck - The Way It All Began!

Steve Gerber (SCRIPT), Val Mayerik (DRAW), Sal Trapani (INKS)